SPCSS is a simple and minimal stylesheet for simple text-based websites. To learn more about it and how to use it, visit github.com/susam/spcss.

This page demonstrates how some common HTML elements are styled with this stylesheet.

Code Block

Here is a code block that displays the famous "hello, world" program written in C:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    printf("hello, world\n");
    return 0;

On a Unix or Unix-like system, this program can be compiled to a binary executable with the following command:

$ cc hello.c && ./a.out
hello, world

SPCSS shows any text in <samp> element in amber and any text in <kbd> element in green. This can be used to differentiate between the output from a computer program and the input from a user. For example, the above code example was created with the following HTML code:

<samp>$ <kbd>cc hello.c &amp;&amp; ./a.out</kbd>
hello, world</samp>

Here is a code block with a wide ruler that can be helpful to see how much horizontal and vertical space a certain amount of code consumes:


Since the above code block is too wide to fit within the width of the HTML body, SPCSS makes it horizontally scrollable.


This section shows a few examples of the <blockquote> element.

In a letter to Robert Hooke in 1675, Issac Newton famously wrote,

If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

In a later memoir, Newton wrote:

I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

To read more about Newton, see the Wikipedia entry on Issac Newton.


This section shows an example of <img> nested within a <figure> element. The caption is created with <figcaption> within the same <figure> element.

Screenshot of Digger original PC booter version
Digger original PC booter version running in DOSBox

SPCSS styles the <figure> element to center-align all its content. That is why the caption appears centered. The font size of the caption is made smaller. The original width of the image above exceeds the width of the HTML body, however SPCSS ensures that the rendered width of any image on the page does not exceed the width of the HTML body. This prevents the page layout from appearing broken.


This section shows an example of an HTML table.

Editor Creator License First Release
GNU Emacs Richard Stallman GNU GPLv3+ 20 Mar 1985
Vim Bram Moolenaar Vim License 02 Nov 1991
GNU nano Chris Allegretta GNU GPLv3 18 Nov 1999
Notepad++ Don Ho GNU GPLv2 24 Nov 2003
Atom GitHub MIT 26 Feb 2014
Visual Studio Code Microsoft MIT 29 Apr 2015

Heading Anchor

When you hover your cursor (mouse pointer) on the section heading above, a hash sign appears to its right. This is a heading anchor link. Heading anchor links are useful for sharing direct links to sections of a web page.

Heading anchor links are enabled with a special feature of SPCSS: If a heading element contains an empty anchor element, SPCSS turns that into an anchor link that becomes visible while hovering the cursor on the heading. For example, the above heading is created with the following HTML code:

<h2 id="heading-anchor">Heading Anchor<a href="#heading-anchor"></a></h2>

If a heading element does not have an empty anchor element within it, then no heading anchor link is created. For example, the top-level heading of this page does not have an empty anchor element, so it is rendered as a plain heading without an anchor link.


Apart from the features described above, SPCSS has the following additional features:

About This Demo

This is a demo of SPCSS. To learn more about SPCSS and how to use it, visit github.com/susam/spcss.